*Vidya Bharti has been working for the all-round development of a child.
The organisation has adopted physical education {games and sports} and yoga as a “Kendriya Vishaya {Central Subject}” for the physical, mental, social and emotional developments of child.
*There are facility for Indoor games and outdoor games.
*Table Tennis, Chess, Badminton, Carom etc. in Indoor games.
*Pupils are properly educated to play Football, Volleball, Basketball, Khokho, Kabaddi etc. in Outdoor games.
*Gym availabe in social campus for pupils.
*Pupils participate in the following games and sports.
*In Athletics up to Akhil Bhartiya Level
*In Badminton up to National Level.
*In Chess up to National Level(C.B.S.E.).
*In Wrestling.
*Yoga dub and Yoga for competition.
*School Band{Ghose Dal} with 8 instruments.
*Rhythmic Activity- Lezemis, Dumbles, Bhartiyan.
*In Volleyball up to National Level.